In a world that often demands our silence, Angel Reese stood as a beacon of truth, her voice resonating with the power of honesty and the audacity of vulnerability. In a moment captured in the glaring spotlight of a press conference, Angel did what many fear to do: she spoke her truth, fully aware of the backlash that too often meets the courage of Black girls who dare to be strong, great, and unapologetically honest.

Angel Reese’s experience is a stark reminder of the tightrope we walk as Black women and girls— navigating between being silenced and facing vilification for speaking out and sharing our truths. Her courage to be bluntly honest was met with hateful and misguided attacks, notably amplified by social media and pundits who twisted her words to further demean her.

Among these, it was the recent remarks by Emmanuel Acho that demonstrated the reality that Black women navigate. Under the guise of understanding, Acho launched criticisms that sought to undermine her strength and to silence her voice. Acho attempted to justify his attack by claiming to grasp the Black woman’s and girl’s experience, only to turn around and contribute to the very oppression he acknowledged. Watching Acho share his “opinion” about Angel’s lived experience deeply resonates with me.

Having navigated my own path where it was common to experience attacks from those outside our community, it was always those harsh attacks and attempts at harmful remarks from those inside our community that reached deep into my heart and soul.

Recently, at a public event, a Black woman running for elective office told me that I should be “ashamed of my entire family.” This comment was not just an attack on me but on the achievements and the integrity of my family—my family, who has supported me in becoming an attorney at the age of 19, my brother Ian, a first-year Ph.D. student at age 18, and my sister Hana, adopted from Ethiopia, who at age 16 is getting ready to graduate from college. Her words aimed at me were meant to wound and belittle the accomplishments and aspirations that my family and I have worked tirelessly to achieve.

But here’s the truth we must all hold close: Our strength, our greatness, and our honesty are not weaknesses. They are the very essence of our power, the core of our resilience. Angel Reese knew this. Despite knowing the backlash that would come, she chose honesty. She chose to stand in her truth, to voice her experiences, and to challenge the silence that too often envelops our stories.

To Angel Reese, and to every Black girl who has faced the storm that comes with our audacity to be strong, successful and truthful, know that your courage does not go unnoticed. Your bravery paves the way for a future where our voices are not met with hate but with the respect and acknowledgment they deserve. Your truth, your stories, and your experiences are the lighthouses guiding us toward a world that sees us, hears us, and values us.

As we move forward, let’s carry Angel Reese’s courage and the legacy of our own experiences as a shield and a beacon. Let’s challenge the narratives that seek to diminish us, standing tall in the knowledge that our voices, our truths, and our lives matter. In solidarity, we find not just the strength to endure but the power to thrive, to transform, and to triumph.

With every challenge we face and every victory we celebrate, let us remember the importance of lifting each other up, of supporting and loving one another through it all. Our journey is interconnected, woven from the threads of our shared struggles and dreams. To my beautiful sisters everywhere, you are seen, you are heard, and you are loved. Together, we are unstoppable.