Via Global Sport Matters, commentary on how - just as with school desegregation during the Cold War - legal victories or public pressure rarely have turned into tipping points for change in racial equity in the NFL and how, while [...]

By admin

February 2022
Via the SJU Hawk Newspaper, a short summary of civil rights movements in sports: When people hear the word “sports” the image that goes through their head is likely one of sweaty athletes running around trying to steal a [...]
Via the Saudi Gazette, an article on how the UN SDGs are being incorporated into delivery of sport events, but it also illustrates how far we still have to go: As Saudi Arabia prepares for its second FIA Formula 1 World [...]

By admin

February 2022
Via Africa's A Country, commentary on how sports, especially football/soccer, has long served as an arena for political contestation and expression: In this post, first published in 2019, Carey Barak writes from the African [...]